Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgSystemMissionControl has a deprecated constructor in /home/veselmfn/public_html/plugins/system/missioncontrol/missioncontrol.php on line 16

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgSystemRokTracking has a deprecated constructor in /home/veselmfn/public_html/plugins/system/roktracking/roktracking.php on line 15 - Soundtrack


Baby and  boy's music 

from the sountrack of the film "Fairytale about the staircase" by Kiril Ivanov

The adult and the old man's music

from the soundtrack of the film "Fairytale about the staircase"

The fight and final

from the soundtrack of the synthetic art project "Alter Animus"

The hearts library

from the soundtrack of the sinthetic art pfoject "Alter Animus"

Alter Animus 



Fairytale about the staircase

  • Baby and boy
  • The adult and the old man
  • the fight and final of Alter Animus
  • The hearts library
  • Alter Animus - video
  • Fairytale about the staircase - video